Hello there. This is my site to collate aspects of my research, studies, experiences, and CPD as a Doctoral Researcher and a Chartered Environmental Health Officer, a Chartered Health and Safety Professional, with a passion for engaging in the wider ESG/Sustainability issues we face - all with the understanding that organisations need to make a surplus to develop, flourish, innovate, and provide important services and goods for people and other organisations.
As the Head of Health and Safety for a large multi-site operation, I try to continually improve, develop updated and new ways of working; I am not precious about anything I have put in place and always welcome new ways of working. My experience has shown that we do not always have to disrupt and make changes - the present ways of working can be the best way however one must never be precious about any policy/way of working you have developed, and my philosophy is that these should be dynamic, add value to the organisation, and underpinning with the principle of keeping people safe and healthy.
This approach has led me to return to university, and I am presently researching for my Professional Doctorate. I am looking at how I can help operational colleagues dynamically risk assess and work safely. My research is looking at change management, behaviour, culture, procedures and ways of working, and frameworks through both a H&S lens and an organisational lens. It is the right thing to do, keeping people safe at the same time as giving leaders, investors, trustees, unions, and other interested parties assurance that people are safe at work - so far as is reasonably practicable.
I help mentor people who aspire to a career in Environmental Health, Health and Safety, or allied professions. I am a proponent of using our skills in a wider context, and have developed a passion for ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) with an interest in using the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as a framework.