
Last week was a seminal week – I handed in my first Food Interventions assignment.  What made this assignment ‘seminal’?  Simple really – it is the first assignment I have handed in with only an hour to spare before the 10:00 hrs cut-off on Tuesday 23rd February 2010. Not really an issue some might say.  But then came along Friday 26th February 2010.

A bit of background first.  I travel to University by train.  The 06:54 hrs service from Todmorden.  I am at the University by 08:15 hrs.  So, waiting at the station on Friday morning I heard an announcement ‘train cancelled due to an act of vandalism’ …  No worries I thought, plenty of time, I’ll sit in the waiting room and read Clays until the next train.  No such luck – the nice man in the ticket office told the waiting masses that the delays would be for up to 90 minutes.  Hmm – better drive.  Have you ever tried to drive into Leeds during rush hour?

Anyway, a long-winded way to say I will in future hand in my assignments 24-hours beforehand.  No last minute typing for me!  But after the wonderful experience on Friday I have concluded that I can’t rely upon the trains to hand in things on time.  And I have 9.  Yes, NINE cut-off dates between now and mid-May.  All sympathy is gratefully welcome.

Next assignment is due Friday 5th March 2010.  Well, not assignment as such but I have to submit my proposal for an acoustics investigation.  Why do I leave everything to the last minute?  Is this just me or does everyone submit assignments at the last minute?

Interesting item on the news today “Hoarder wins right to keep rubbish in his Westcott home”.  (Link:  Apparently a householder decided to appeal against a council enforcement notice to clean up his front garden.  He won, because "The evidence does not go far enough to show Mr Wallace in his use of his property interfered with the amenity of other people who live in the locality”.  Interesting story for me as I have a placement at Burnley Council’s StreetScene department every Wednesday and the issue of rubbish in gardens/back yards is high on the agenda for improving the area.


Cancelled Lesson


The Difficult Second Blog