I have appeared in a number of publications and podcasts, and spoken at a few events:

Rebranding Safety Podcast

I was interviewed by James Macpherson of Risk Fluent Ltd for the Rebranding Safety podcast. We have been trying to set up the interview for maybe four years, so was good to finally catch up for the recording.

You can check out the interview on YouTube or search ‘Rebranding Safety’ on your favourite podcast app:

Apple - podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/rebranding-safety/id1445367198?i=1000658761721

Spotify - open.spotify.com/episode/10x9ZaqTXSBunuxt6op3LJ?si=fbc31b478ba44d1b

Safety in Care and Reflections on my New Role
NASHiCS Summer Seminar 2023 - June 2023

I spoke at the NASHiCS Summer Seminar in London on 15 June 2023 where I reflected on my first year working in the care sector, and then discussed my approach to H&S in care.

Organisational Excellence for Health and Safety
EHS Towards 4.0 Barcelona - April 2023

The second time I have appeared at an Axiom Group event. On Day One I talked about how I empower colleagues and some of the challenges/successes I have had. On the second day I was part of a panel discussion ergonomics.

Being Well Together; Leadership in Health, Safety, and Wellbeing.
British Safety Council - March 2023

I spoke at one of the British Safety Council’s lunch time webinars on how I see leadership in HSW, and how I used those skills and experiences to develop a Wellbeing strategy with my colleagues. You can see the webinar on the British Safety Council’s YouTube page. Learn More

Developing Effective Health and Safety in a Multi-Site Operation
EHS Towards 4.0 Barcelona - November 2021

Between lockdowns I flew to Barcelona to speak about my approach to developing systems that have been successfully rolled out in multi-site operations, based on my experiences in Nuffield Health and Aspen Healthcare. The themes I looked at were communication, localism, attitudes,, reviews, and knowledge, all together helping to empowering operational people work safely and healthily.

Learning and Living: NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk
The Sentinel from IIRSM - Sep/Oct 2021

I featured in The Sentinel, the magazine of IIRSM, in an article where I talk about my thoughts on completing the pilot for the NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk. It is a great online qualification I would recommend. Learn More

COVID-19: Feeling the Impact
IOSH Magazine - July 2020

For the July/August issue if IOSH magazine I discussed my approach to COVID-19 and how to enable healthy working at home. Learn More

Empower Others to Empower Yourself
The Interesting H&S Podcast - July 2020

I discussed with the host Colin Nottage how I approach supporting a multi-site organisation, and how my background as an EHO empowered me and allowed me to take a more holistic approach to issues I faced.

‘If you empower people, they’ll be able to make your decisions locally’; ‘We need to get key people involved in understanding health and safety’; ‘You need to have short term strategy, but you need the long game goals, too’; ‘It’s not a them-and-us situation. We’re all in this together'. Learn More

Protecting Workplaces Amid COVID-19
ICAEW - May 2020

I discussed how offices could be re-opened after lockdown - first and foremost was to ask 'do I need to be in the office?' for an article for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Learn More

Developing Effective Safety Procedures
University of Salford H&S Conference - November 2019

At the CPD conference I discussed: how to effectively develop, assess, and improve existing procedures; How to achieve your objectives with H&S procedures; and How to apply human factors principles to review, design, and produce effective procedures.

Food Safety for Health and Safety Professionals
East Lancashire IOSH District - November 2019

I discussed food safety and how/why a H&S professional should become involved. There were nearly 50 fellow H&S professionals at this meeting.

Beyond Health and Safety
South Wales IOSH Branch - July 2014

I discussed my role in Nuffield Health and how as a H&S professional one should look to expand the portfolio of skills and experiences to add value to an organisation, such as food safety, fire safety, security, environment, sustainability, or business continuity.