What is CLARKE Safety?

It is my little ego trip! At a conference I was asked to speak on my approach to Health and Safety and everyting else I cover. On a whim decided to use my surname, CLARKE, as an acronym to focus my thoughts:

C - Communication. Runs through everything we do, and remember to talk with people not to or at people; collaborate, debate, discuss, and network to enhance safety.

L - Localism. The people best placed to take operational ownership of safety on the ‘shop floor’ are those who do the job - talk with them - ask ‘what is dodgy about that?’ and empower operators to make local safety based decisons by having pragmatic ways of working and assessing risk.

A - AI; embrace new technologies and ideas.

R - Review and Research. Don’t be precious about anything; change when needed, researching to ensure that safety is evidence based both operationally and academically.

K - Knowledge. Use your knowledge and that of others to achieve better practice; learn and develop.

E - Entrepreneur. The first priority of any business/organisation is to make a profit or surplus. Safety must facilitate entrepreneurship, innovators, and investors.