What is HSE?

What does HSE stand for? Traditionally one would say Health, Safety, and Environment. Others may use the term EHS. And some think HSE means Health and Safety Executive. But for me and my blog/web site it means multiple things:

  • Health, Sustainability, and Environmental Health

  • Health and Safety and Environmental Health

  • Health and Safety, and Environment

  • Heallth and Safety, and ESG

There should perhaps be an F in there somewhere for Food Safety and Fire Safety; maybe an R for Risk. And how about C for Corporate Social Responsibility? And Where is Q for Quality? Or W for Wellbeing? And the S can also cover Security. Oh, we can’t forget the H for Housing - I am an EHO after all! Perhaps I should call my site ESG Insights as that has emerged as the name for the areas I am interested in?

Anyway, in a long winded way I am saying that HSE covers a multitude of areas that I am interested in and enjoy working on. Hopefully I will be posting a bit more often and sharing my thoughts and experiences in Environmental Health, Health and Safety, Environment, Sustainability, ESG, Corporate Social Responsibility, Fire Safety, Food Safety, Quality …….


The Safety Paradox


Lets talk about risk management …